The site is not so brand new now, but there is still a lot of work to be done. What is needed are submissions from you, the Class of 1975, in the form of articles, updated news, pictures, links and whatever else you might think would be of interest to your fellow classmates. Each of you have your own web page, which you may add whatever you want (by submitting the information.) Your spouse's name, children's name and ages (please submit the age as the year they were born), occupation, interests, etc.
Do you have a website of your own, or for your business? You can have that information added to your personal web page. If you want pictures on your page, please submit them as 72ppi .jpeg, . png or .gif images. You can also send me photographs if you're not familiar with preparing images for the web. E-mail me Ron Marsh and I will give you my mailing address and instructions on how to send the pictures.
Also, help us find our fellow classmates. The purple and gold header below will link you to pages with our classmates names. An asterisk next to the name means we either have no address or can't find them. If you know their where abouts, please contact Rick Carr, Ron Marsh, or Brenda Stokely.